March 2025
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    past lives

    Past Life Experience

    In today’s noise-numbing world many people are longing for a more quiet and peaceful setting. Additionally, in many parts of our world, there are a growing number of individuals seeking answers, which our present life seems incapable of providing. I often ask myself: “Is this just a way of escaping from our present life or are we “feeling” reconnected to a previous life”? If you believe in Reincarnation, you may want to ask yourself some of the following questions, which will, in all probability, be connecting you to a life once lived in another country, another century or even another galaxy.


    How many times have you tasted a certain type of food for the very first time and found it to be repulsive or met someone brand new whom you disliked on sight or, in some cases, formed an instant attraction?  As you look at a Map of the World, do you find yourself drawn to a particular country or continent or have you ever been in a foreign city that seemed to be incredibly familiar?  Have you or someone you know ever picked up a musical instrument and started playing or began painting a landscape and found out how easy it was to do – though you had no previous experience?  On another level, think of the people you know who display signs of repetitive negative behavior for which there appears to be no rational explanation from this life and, as an example, I am sure we all know someone who has a fear of water or heights.


    Getting in touch with a past life may be a way of explaining much of the above. The answer can be very simple; you must begin to understand, that at the moment of physical death, the soul continues to live. Many people are unaware that the soul is not extinguished but rather continues to gather experiences from one life to another.  Not only are the positive experiences carried over, obviously much trauma from previous lives can also be brought forward. We are the sum total of all our past lives and, upon “reconnecting” to some of them, we can begin to understand why we do the things we do repeatedly.


    We are made of energy accumulated from every past life we have lived and, if we begin the process of understanding just a few of them, then we can perhaps begin to make more permanent changes.  This will enhance our understanding and the acceptance of self. When I am conducting Past Life Sessions, I am given, on average, four previous lives. These have the most relevance for the client at that time and, I am also shown an “arc” between a past life and the current one. There is usually a lesson to accompany each past life. Many of my clients have been given information, which for some, has led to changes in the way they continue to live their lives.


    By understanding more about your past lives, you will essentially become more at peace within yourself, gain a greater sense of “self” and begin to make changes which will bring forth greater balance and acceptance for what the Universe has in store for you.