March 2025
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    Good afternoon. My name is Geoffrey McLatchie, I’m a Spiritual Teacher & I live in Cocagne, NB, one of the most beautiful areas of the Province. I live with my beautiful wife, Carole, our dog and two cats. Today I am the Spiritual Advisor for Fabrice, Angela & Miss Emma.

    Fabrice & I came to Canada as immigrants, searching for a new life in a country, which we came to love & cherish.

    It was here, in this beautiful area of NB, Fabrice from France, found his “Twin Flame” Angela & I, from Scotland, found my ‘Twin Flame’ Carole in Toronto many years previous.

    You are probably asking yourselves: “What is a Twin Flame relationship? It is the re-uniting of two souls from long ago, who have now been rejoined once again. Simply speaking, it is dynamic; passionate; exciting, all-consuming and, most of all – ever-lasting. In this relationship, there is a runner & a chaser. Fab & I, we were the chasers & Angela & Carole had no chance!

    Fabrice was not afraid to show his love & he expressed it in many different ways. From the special weekend breakfasts, which he prepared lovingly with “Miss Emma” for Angela, to supporting his “Girls” in all their personal endeavours.

    Allow me to share a story: Fab came to our home at 5:00am on the Wednesday before his passing to drive Carole to the airport for her trip to BC. He was happy, joyful & so positive. We hugged each other not realizing it would be our last time.

    Last year, on the day of their Wedding, Fab & I spent time together earlier talking about many things including his diving experiences. He told me that it was vital to focus in on the “NOW” & not to get distracted from the task at hand. He totally understood the meaning of “Living in the NOW” in every aspect of his life.

    When I received the request to deliver his Eulogy, I was deeply honored & accepted immediately. I assumed it was for a private ceremony to be delivered to a relatively small group of people, around 20-30 people.  Now I realize this was Fabrice’s intention all along. He is now directing me as to what I need to deliver – because he was, for those who knew him, the quintessential organizer! He always had a plan & obviously, I am part of it right now.

    As a Spiritual Teacher, I see life as a three-act play. Act one is our birth & beginning on the earth plane; act three is our conclusion (and what has brought us all together today); with act two, hopefully being composed of the majority of our lives.  This act two is “NOW” and it is the most important time we have.

    It is the time for us to live this section of our lives, where we are connected to our loved ones & NOT to be afraid to express our love for the people who matter to us. Let them know how important they are to you each & every day of your life. It is important we be connected to Nature & to remain connected to the Universe. This is our time to be ourselves; to chase our own Rainbows & never falter in expressing our love.

    Fabrice knew how to express his love. He was very comfortable in his own skin & he was his own man as well as Angela’s & Miss Emma’s.

    Fabrice was definitely a Family Man.  He was the son of Laurence & Jacques; the brother of Marc-Christophe & Aude-Emmanuelle. He also had his RCMP Family, of which he was exceedingly proud to be a member & by which he had the opportunity to “Serve & Protect” his community.

    It is because of this service that we pay tribute to Fabrice today. His message is to live for today – because he now knows how temporary life is. Life is not about the “What Ifs”, It’s about “What is” & every hour we spend living in the past is an hour we steal from the present. The importance is: “Who You Are NOW” – not what happened in the Past to you, but rather what happened for you. Neither should we spend wasted time projecting what will happen in the future.

    Goodbye, My Friend. May your spirit be at rest until your next time on earth.  Au revoir.