March 2025
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    Unleashing Your Intuition

    Intuition may be viewed as one the most important keys of our lives having its own built-in communication system. The moment we are able to locate and begin using it is the time when life, as we have experienced it up to now, can change forever. Using it in both our business & personal lives can be one of the most useful tools at our disposal.

    Intuition is from the Soul and is connected to your Highest Self.  Think of your intuition as your pipeline to truth speaking.

    Intuition as a business tool is being more widely accepted throughout North America. By rapidly sifting through reams of data, many successful business executives are making “snap decisions” which have, in many instances, proved to be extremely accurate and effective in day-to-day business operations.

     On a more personal level, we can use our intuition when we meet people for the first time. We must learn to use our intuition when forming the most valuable “first impressions” which, in most instances, is the most accurate one of all.  In our personal life we can use it when we are at the beginning of a relationship, saving time, energy and disappointment by speeding up the “getting to know you stage”. We need to trust our Intuition to guide us in the right direction as it will never knowingly lead us astray.

    As we go through life, we should begin to look at our Intuition as a fundamental ingredient for living a successful life. Make it work for us in all areas of our life, increasing our ability to improve business and personal relationships, reducing the degree of negativity in our life and, in turn, maintaining a more balanced and healthy life style.

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