March 2025
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    Ask A Goddess

    Yes, it’s true. I am a Modern-Day Goddess. In fact, every woman in the Universe is a Goddess. The only difference is that: I KNOW I AM and I have taken my power. Now it’s time for you to do the same.

    This BLOG is designed for questions; for your input and your opinions as well. Please feel free to write to me and as time permits, I will attempt to address your concerns.

    Today I am beginning with one of the most popular questions: “What does it mean to be a Modern-Day Goddess?”

    First, you must love yourself. It is not possible to meet your full potential if you do not have self-love. As young girls, we are taught how to care for everyone. We are given a doll as a child and we learn how to nurture it – as though it were a baby. As time goes on, we are never taught how to take care of ourselves. Therefore, we often miss out on our own development because we do not take time to learn about and accept ourselves. And so, we miss out on self-love.

    A Modern-Day Goddess knows herself. She likes what she sees. She is confident. She looks within for her own wisdom, knowledge and guidance. She is not afraid to speak her truth – no matter what others may think. She makes the best choices for herself and attracts positivity wherever she goes and with whomever she is involved. She is strong, assertive; never aggressive. She is able to function successfully on her own but never feels alone. She has many friends and a variety of interests and she makes choices to please and satisfy herself. She puts herself first and because of this – she is healthy, whole and more able to assist her partner, her children; all her loved ones as needed. A Modern-Day Goddess is her own best friend, someone she can always trust and count on. She is me; she is you.

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