March 2025
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    Is Everyone Clairvoyant?

    It`s hard to believe that we are almost in 2020, demonstrating once again how fast time goes by regardless of what we do with it. It is very important to realize that in order to get the most out of our lives, we have to make an honest attempt at remaining anchored to the present and stop ourselves from spending too much time trying to make sense of the past or, even worse, trying to predict what we think the future has in store.

    People know that I am clairvoyant and they ask me what it really means and how does it affect my life?  In simple terms, it provides me with ongoing valuable insight, focusing my mind on experiencing and living in the now and not spending time with negative issues or people. Clairvoyance enhances my life in so many ways; such as helping people answer some of life’s problems and, in some instances, providing insight into “seeing” what they should be doing with their life. Clairvoyance is a heightened form of Intuition and is recognized as being non-judgmental or analytical allowing us to live a balanced and harmonious life devoid of needless drama.  It also allows us to become extremely focused on everything around us, connecting self to the elements, which play an important part in our life and freeing the mind of playing the “what if?” game.

    Is everyone Clairvoyant? That`s a constant question and the answer quite simply is yes, bearing in mind that like most other abilities there are levels of clairvoyance, which become more apparent as you become more in touch with your ‘highest self”. Everyone`s clairvoyant ability will increase as we become more clear as a channel, divesting ourselves of negativity, trusting our “knowing” and increasing the belief we have in our abilities. Practice as much as you can, learn to open your mind to limitless possibilities. Reach an understanding that the more clairvoyant you become, the more you will be able to move through life, making decisions which will guide and enable you to live the life which the universe has in store for you.

    Geoffrey McLatchie, n.d.

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